John Ireland has taught in gyms and schools all over the United States, from California to Delaware, at beginning levels through college in both Cheerleading and Gymnastics.
Special needs classes, students are of special interest to John. He loves to see the advancements made, and the feeling of achievement in the children of who he is teaching.
949 National Avenue, Ste #165
The Academy-Lexington Gymnastics and Cheerleading (LGC) has been teaching people of all ages Gymnastics and Cheerleading, hosting Parties, and much more since it opened 1989 in the Lexington area.
Literally serving thousands of children and their families in the Lexington area for over the last 24 years.
Hundreds of families will attest that their LGC education has developed “happy, healthy, responsible children” into multiple generations of “happy, healthy, responsible adults”!
LGC classes are so much more than just a gymnastics program for preschoolers. Our emphasis is not on being the fastest, the strongest or the best. Instead, it is on the excitement of learning. We believe that every child wants to learn, and when we find that delicate balance between learning and play, children are inspired! With just the right amount of success and challenge, your child will discover that hard work is rewarding and that learning is, and can be fun.
KINDERGYM (AGES 4-5 YRS) This series begins with a class for children who have little or no experience in the sport of Gymnastics, this class focuses on proper form and increased endurance. No parent involvement.
Beginning Gymnastics Intro to Cheerleading
Intermed. Gymnastics Intermed. Cheerleading
Rough and Tumble Adult Gymnastics/Tumbling
Beginning Tumbling Intermediate Tumbling
Acro for Dance Martial Arts Tumbling
We believe that the greatest strength of our program is our teachers. The Academy teachers have a genuine love for children, as well as a thorough understanding of early childhood development. Each of us is here to help your child grow and learn, and we do that through the fun and challenging activities we offer each week.
Research indicates that the primary reason children participate in sports is to have fun. The number one reason they quit is because it is not fun anymore. Our teachers understand this concept and are committed to creating a positive, fun, learning environment in every class. We know that the preschool years are the best time to learn to “love to learn.”
Gym Owner/Director John Ireland, a native Lexingtonian has been involved in these sports since the age of two years old. Having honed his skills over many years, he was a member of the National Champion University of Kentucky Cheerleading program.
John has been teaching children all over the United States for well over 30 years.
Having completed his Psychology degree at UK, he moved to Los Angeles to study at UCLA. Upon completion of his studies, John worked as a Senior Therapist for The Center for Autism and Related Disorders (CARD), as well as a Special Needs Program Director within the LA Unified School District.
3 Years to Adult